France: lifetime extension of 1300 MW reactor fleet


The 20 reactors of the 1300 MW fleet were originally designed for operation of 40 years. Now their lifetime shall be extended. A consultation is ongoing until 30 Sept 2024, but only for generic aspec […]

NPP Cernavoda-1: EIA for lifetime extension


The Cernavoda-1 reactor in Romania is in operation since 1996. CANDU reactors have a design life of 30 years. The lifetime shall be extended from 2029 for 30 years according to an information from op […]

Webinar “Many ways for taxpayers to finance new NPP”


This Joint Project Webinar took place on September 13, 2024, 2-4 PM CEST. The current hype around nuclear power plant is loud, however, silent when it comes to the issue of finance. The major barrier […]

NPP Paks allowed to heat up the Danube


A draft legislation, published on 27 July 2024, would significantly change the conditions for operating the Paks nuclear power plant: while previously there were clear limits on the extent to which t […]

Nuclear Energy Conference in Prague


The tendering process for construction of new nuclear reactors has become a major topic of Czech public debate in the recent months. It is no wonder, as it concerns hundreds of billions of crowns and […]

NPP Paks in Hungary


Paks II is one of the most controversial new nuclear power plant construction projects in the EU. Apart from the general problems of nuclear energy utilisation (lack of economic efficiency, risk of a […]

Does Bulgaria need new NPPs?


A hybrid discussion event on “The green transition in Bulgaria – opportunities, benefits and false solutions. Does Bulgaria need new nuclear power facilities?” was organised in Sofia by Za Zemiata on […]

„Small Modular Reactors“ – first EIA in Poland started


The first environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures for the so-called Small Modular Reactors (SMR) in the EU started in Poland in the fall of 2023. As of November 2023, three EIA procedures we […]

French NPP for the Czech Republic?


One of the key topics of French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Prague will be efforts to support French state-owned EDF, which is bidding to build new nuclear reactors in the Czech Republic. Bu […]

EIA on lifetime extension of Olkiluoto 1&2 has started


Olkiluoto 1&2 in Finland started operation in 1978 and 1980. They have already undergone one lifetime extension from the originally planned 40 years up to 60 years, which will be reached in 2038. […]

Unlawful decision of the government of the republic of Bulgaria for the construction of a new NPP


Za Zemiata wrote a letter to the Bulgarian Prime Minister concerning the planned newbuild of Kozloduy 7 pointing to violations of the law The Bulgarian NGOs Za Zemiata and Greenpeace call on the gove […]

Participation in the ENSREG Topical Peer Review II on Fire Protection


The Joint Project participates in this second Topical Peer Review II because fire protection is very important for nuclear safety. This Topical Peer Review (TPR) is now in the next step: Countries ha […]

Are Bulgarian reactor parts sold to Ukraine?


In July 2023, media reported that Ukraine has started discussions to purchase Bulgaria’s two Russian-made nuclear reactors that were foreseen for the Belene site with EU money. The Joint Project sent […]

“Russian Grip on EU Nuclear Power” – updated study


An update of Patricia Lorenz’s study “Russian Grip on EU Nuclear Power” was commissioned by the Viennese Environmental Ombudsman and “Cities for a Nuclear Free Europe” (CNFE). The study analyses the […]

Small Modular Reactors in CZ Republic


Launch of a study: “Perspectives of Small Modular Reactors in the Czech Republic” – Jan 2024: English version also available! The study was presented in October 2023 by the author Stephen Thomas, Eme […]

Dukovany 5: from EIA to construction license


For the first time ever, NPP permitting procedures were open to NGOs beyond the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which is usually the only possibility for public participation. The transboundar […]

Fukushima: No to the release of radioactive water into the Sea!


After the reactor catastrophe in 2011, 1.3 million tons of radioactive contaminated water are stored at the Fukushima site. Japan now started to release the water into the Pacific Ocean. While a new […]

Tricastin-1 got life-time extension license without EIA


On 10.08.2023, the French regulator ASN’s decision on the lifetime extension of Tricastin-1, which had been taken already on 29.06.2023, was announced – and this without a transboundary EIA. This is […]

First NPP Poland: National EIA does not comply with the Aarhus Convention


On 9 August, 2023 the Joint Project NGOs and many other organizations – a total of 28 organizations from 11 countries – sent an open letter of protest to the EU Commissioner of the Environment, the E […]

Nuclear Waste Management in the EU: Joint Project Report – Update 2023


Nuclear waste from NPPs remains an unsolved and highly dangerous problem, as spent fuel must remain isolated from the environment for a million years. In an attempt to solve the nuclear waste problem […]

Energiaklub’s interview with Finnish regulator STUK


Joint Project partner Energiaklub published a series on interviews and infographics on the following topics: Interview with Director General Petteri Tiippana from Finnish regulator STUK (Finland want […]

The History of the Belene NPP Project in Bulgaria


The plan to construct a nuclear power plant at the Danube in Bulgaria stems from the 70ies of the last century when Bulgaria was still a part of the Soviet sphere of influence. In the 70ies, studies […]

New factsheet: What to do in a nuclear emergency and how to prepare


Nuclear Transparency Watch recently published a new factsheet for privat households how to prepare for a NPP accident and what to in case of a nuclear emergency. The factsheet is available in English […]

Lifetime extension of Doel-4 and Tihange-3/Belgium – Environmental Impact Assessment


The Joint Project participated in the EIA on the lifetime extension of the reactors Doel-4 and Tihange-3 in May 2023. Both reactors will be 40 years in operation in 2025, now their lifetime shall be […]

Plans for nuclear newbuild and life-time extension in France without adequate participation


In France, the public debate on new reactors has started, namely on two reactors in Penly in Normandy. In cooperation with the NGO RECH (Réaction en Chaîne Humaine) and Nuclear Transparency Watch, we […]

Conference on Russian nuclear industry sanctions


Urgewald, Friends of the Earth Europe, the energy thinktank DiXi Group (Ukraine) and the geo-economics thinktank Eastern Circles (France) and ENERGOATOM, Ukraine’s nuclear power plant operator, have […]

Life-time extension of NPP Krško, Slovenia


NPP Krško started its commercial operation in 1983. It is owned by Nuklearna elektrarna Krško d.o.o. (NEK). Its operating licence was valid until the end of 2023, NEK wanted to extend the life-time f […]

Siemens Energy must immediately terminate its business relations with ROSATOM – countermotions at the Annual General Meeting of Siemens Energy


Despite the withdrawal from Russia, business continues with ROSATOM. The Association of Ethical Shareholders requests in its countermotions that this business is terminated. Read here the answer of S […]

Symposium “Nuclear power in the age of new threats”


The Joint Project online symposium examined the situation of the war in Ukraine and other military and terror threats on nuclear power plants. The attacks on Zaporishia NPP shocked the world, because […]

Environmental Impact Assessment for the first NPP in Poland


Poland wants to build its first NPP. In 2015, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) started with a scoping phase, since Nov 2022 the next phase is conducted. The EIA Report and other documents in […]

Joint Project Webinar: The EPR – the future of nuclear expansion or rather a failed technology?


Taxonomy including nuclear, electricity prices soon to make new nuclear economic and the industry claiming nuclear plants are ready to battle the climate crisis shows a need for reorientation of anti […]

Public consultation on Posiva’s operation license application for the Finnish High Level Waste repository


Posiva is the operator of the future Finnish high level waste repository at the Olkiluoto site. The company submitted its application for the operation license for the HLW repository and an encapsula […]

NPP Dukovany 2/CZ: Public consultation on the state aid procedure


On 30 June 2022, the Commission notified Czechia of its decision to initiate this procedure laid down in Article 108(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Interested parties coul […]

New study on Small Modular Reactors (SMR) in Estonia by Madis Vasser


The study gives a brief overview of the history of nuclear energy in Estonia – the Soviet era plans, the joint failure of the baltic states and the rise of the current private push for nuclear. It th […]

Joint Project Webinar on Taxonomy and Small Modular Reactors (SMR)


On July 6, 2022 the European Parliament voted to include gas and nuclear in the EU taxonomy. This leads to the inclusion of the so-called Advanced Reactors as a Green transitional technology. In our […]

Joint Project Webinar on actual status of deep geological repository preparation and impact on EU taxonomy


Nuclear waste management or rather the lack of it has been the nuclear industry’s Achilles’ heel. Now more than ever industry claims having found the solution, the first Deep Geological Repositories […]

Study “Russian Grip on EU Nuclear Power”


Patricia Lorenz and Vladimir Slivyak analysed the EU dependency on the Russian nuclear industry in a study and presented it in an online press conference. More information on the press conference and […]

Nuclear energy? No thanks! Declaration of Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish Greens


Only recently, Bulgaria and Greece started talks about the jointly construction of NPP Kozloduy-7&8 in Bulgaria using Greek money. Read the Declaration

Joint Project Webinar: EIA on NPP lifetime extension: How to make use of the new rules for your campaigning


The Joint Project was preparing this webinar to provide support for NGOs and the public to initiate and join an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure for the life-time extension of nuclear […]

Briefing Paper on Dukovany


The Czech Government and the Czech majority state-owned energy company ČEZ have undertaken several steps incl. state aid proposal advancing the preparation of the construction of one (or two) new nuc […]

Environmental Impact Assessment on the life-time extension of Loviisa 1&2, Finland


NPP Loviisa consists of two units, Loviisa 1 and 2. Loviisa 1 started commercial operation in 1977 and Loviisa 2 in 1980. The NPP is owned by Fortum Power and Heat Oy. The current operating licence i […]

Alarming results on geological risk at the Paks NPP site


The results of the peer reviewed report “NPP Paks II: Paleo-seismological assessment of the Siting Report and the Site License with respect to fault capability” showed that evidence for a capable fau […]