Nuclear Topics & Countries

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NPP Borssele/NL: EIA on lifetime extension

The Borssele reactor is in operation since 1973, i.e. already for more than 50 years, so it is one of the oldest NPPs in the world. The Dutch Nuclear Energy Act defines that the Borssele lifetime is restricted to 2033. But the government under former Prime Minister Rutte decided to keep Borssele in operation beyond…

France: lifetime extension of 1300 MW reactor fleet

The 20 reactors of the 1300 MW fleet were originally designed for operation of 40 years. Now their lifetime shall be extended. A consultation is ongoing until 30 Sept 2024, but only for generic aspects of the fourth Periodic Safety Review. Even after performing the envisaged lifetime extension program, a considerable gap between the safety…

NPP Cernavoda-1: EIA for lifetime extension

The Cernavoda-1 reactor in Romania is in operation since 1996. CANDU reactors have a design life of 30 years. The lifetime shall be extended from 2029 for 30 years according to an information from operator Nuclearelectricas’s website. This would result in a total lifetime extension of even 33 years. A transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment is…