Nuclear Topics & Countries

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SEA for Slovakia’s nuclear waste management programme

The Slovak Republic amends its nuclear waste management programme and conducts a transboundary Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for this amendment. We welcome that the updated programme is subjected to a SEA (other EU member states refused a SEA on their programmes). Our statement on the SEA documents can be downloaded here.

Fukushima: No to the release of radioactive water into the Sea!

After the reactor catastrophe in 2011, 1.3 million tons of radioactive contaminated water are stored at the Fukushima site. Japan now started to release the water into the Pacific Ocean. While a new IAEA report affirms the safety of the release, NGOs and neighboring countries China and the Pacific Island Forum protest against the measure.…

Nuclear Waste Management in the EU: Joint Project Report – Update 2023

Nuclear waste from NPPs remains an unsolved and highly dangerous problem, as spent fuel must remain isolated from the environment for a million years. In an attempt to solve the nuclear waste problem, an EU-wide directive was introduced in 2011, the “Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom establishing a Community framework for the responsible and safe management of…

Public consultation on Posiva’s operation license application for the Finnish High Level Waste repository

Posiva is the operator of the future Finnish high level waste repository at the Olkiluoto site. The company submitted its application for the operation license for the HLW repository and an encapsulation plant in Dec. 2021. The public had time until Sept 2022 to comment on this application. The Joint Project submitted a comment focussing…

Joint Project Webinar on actual status of deep geological repository preparation and impact on EU taxonomy

Nuclear waste management or rather the lack of it has been the nuclear industry’s Achilles’ heel. Now more than ever industry claims having found the solution, the first Deep Geological Repositories (DGR) might start operating in the next years. The EU Taxonomy which is supposed to bring in fresh funds for nuclear construction, brought the…