Nuclear Topics & Countries

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Nuclear Waste Management in the EU: Joint Project Report – Update 2023

Nuclear waste from NPPs remains an unsolved and highly dangerous problem, as spent fuel must remain isolated from the environment for a million years. In an attempt to solve the nuclear waste problem, an EU-wide directive was introduced in 2011, the “Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom establishing a Community framework for the responsible and safe management of…

Energiaklub’s interview with Finnish regulator STUK

Joint Project partner Energiaklub published a series on interviews and infographics on the following topics: Interview with Director General Petteri Tiippana from Finnish regulator STUK (Finland wanted to construct the same reactor type as for Paks 2 but – in contrary to Hungary – abandoned the project shortly after Russia started the War on Ukraine)…

The History of the Belene NPP Project in Bulgaria

The plan to construct a nuclear power plant at the Danube in Bulgaria stems from the 70ies of the last century when Bulgaria was still a part of the Soviet sphere of influence.

New factsheet: What to do in a nuclear emergency and how to prepare

Nuclear Transparency Watch recently published a new factsheet for privat households how to prepare for a NPP accident and what to in case of a nuclear emergency. The factsheet is available in English and can be downloaded here. More translations are planned.

Lifetime extension of Doel-4 and Tihange-3/Belgium – Environmental Impact Assessment

The Joint Project participated in the EIA on the lifetime extension of the reactors Doel-4 and Tihange-3 in May 2023. Both reactors will be 40 years in operation in 2025, now their lifetime shall be extended until 2037. As both reactors have been constructed before the EIA laws came into force, they have never undergone…

Plans for nuclear newbuild and life-time extension in France without adequate participation

In France, the public debate on new reactors has started, namely on two reactors in Penly in Normandy. In cooperation with the NGO RECH (Réaction en Chaîne Humaine) and Nuclear Transparency Watch, we drafted a letter to the responsible French authorities and EC to demand adequate participation in the form of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)…

Conference on Russian nuclear industry sanctions

Urgewald, Friends of the Earth Europe, the energy thinktank DiXi Group (Ukraine) and the geo-economics thinktank Eastern Circles (France) and ENERGOATOM, Ukraine’s nuclear power plant operator, have discussed possible sanctions against ROSATOM, the state-owned nuclear corporation of the Russian Federation. More than one year after Russia has invaded Ukraine, significant sanctions against ROSATOM are still…

Life-time extension of NPP Krško, Slovenia

NPP Krško started its commercial operation in 1983. It is owned by Nuklearna elektrarna Krško d.o.o. (NEK). Its operating licence was valid until the end of 2023, NEK wanted to extend the life-time for 20 years until 2043. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was conducted, also transboundary. The environmental license was issued in January 2023.…

Siemens Energy must immediately terminate its business relations with ROSATOM – countermotions at the Annual General Meeting of Siemens Energy

Despite the withdrawal from Russia, business continues with ROSATOM. The Association of Ethical Shareholders requests in its countermotions that this business is terminated. Read here the answer of Siemens Energy (in German only). At the Annual General Meeting of Siemens, Vladimir Slivyak/Ecodenfense, Patricia Lorenz/Friends of the Earth Europe and Sebastian Rötters/urgewald spoke. Find here the…

Environmental Impact Assessment for the first NPP in Poland

Poland wants to build its first NPP. In 2015, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) started with a scoping phase, since Nov 2022 the next phase is conducted. The EIA Report and other documents in English and German language can be found here. The public consultation for the transboundary EIA was open between midth November and…